Saturday, July 10, 2010

Camping and the 4th

It's my favorite holiday again, and time for a vacation! We decided to break in the new camper at Bear Lake and see how Will liked his first camping trip. It went pretty well for us, he seemed to enjoy it even though none of us got much sleep!

We got an early start Friday and found a decent spot before everyone else arrived. It was beautiful, and not close enough to the river to make me nervous, but it was right on the road and ATVs and dirt bikes are very annoying when you're not the one riding them! Will had a great time finding bugs, and telling us that he was camping (a new word), as well as trying to bait us into hiking up the trail every chance he got. He discovered s'mores, and chased the dogs around with the marshmallow forks much to their dismay. He zoned out on the fire and slept very well most of the night in the cozy trailer until our pilot light went out on the heater and we woke up cold!

The next day we drove over to the lake and visited with my family that are usually there too this time of year. After playing on the beach all afternoon and evening we headed over to their place and were just in time for the four-wheeler/golf cart parade and hamburgers. Will was totally pooped from lack of a nap for two days straight, but he managed to have fun driving my uncle Bob's golf cart and a random tricycle (sure to be a hit on his upcoming birthday!).

We then headed back for another night of "roughing it" and Terry and I fell asleep soon after Will from sheer exhaustion. In the morning we took it all down and headed up the trail for a little hike before heading home. We saw many different beautiful butterflies and learned from Will that horses have "big poop!"

We pulled back in to Ogden in the early evening on the 4th and my heart sank when I found that there were no fireworks on the 4th! ARrGH! It ain't right, I tell you! God would want us to barbecue and do fireworks to celebrate this great country on its Independence day, not reschedule it around the sabbath! But...I digress. We cleaned up, and did what good Americans do...we were too tired to cook so we headed to Famous Dave's for our barbecue and did our own fireworks in the driveway! Then we had a great night's sleep in our own warm beds! Good times!

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