Sunday, January 25, 2009

Will's First Bowl of Cereal!

Now that he's just a few days shy of six months, and cutting his first tooth, we decided it was time. Dad voted for Cocoa Pebbles, and I chose FrankenBerry, but Willy Bear wanted rice. Not even with the snap, crackle, or pop. It wouldn't be my first choice, but as you can see...he loved it! He was so excited that he was trembling all over! It was no comparison to our tasty Red Lobster dinner, but it was a momentous occasion none the less. Friends Becky and Ricci were there to cheer him on, and after a few spoonfuls he took to it like a dog to water. = } He's already holding his bottle fairly well, and it looks like he'll be wielding that spoon in no time! We knew it would be easy, but not that easy! Becky even pretended to pout about how we got such a good baby, when she wanted me to suffer for changing my mind on her (about having a baby). We knew all along that he would be wonderful all around!

It was also Nana's birthday, and we got to have a fun video chat with her for a while in the afternoon. Technology is awesome! Although, I think Nana wishes we had an instant transporter too!

Hopefully, here's enough of a glimpse to feel like you were there with us:

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

1st Christmas with Will

Our first post! 
Will seemed to enjoy the holidays: lights, smells, textures, etc. We had a hectic Christmas eve, though. I was extremely ill, the weather was bad, the restaurant we'd planned to eat at with Grandma C and Grandpa D was closed early (we found out as we arrived), and you'd have thought I starved Will all day with the screaming he was doing, so we decided to cut our losses and grab Chinese take-out, sans grandparents. We were frazzled, but after we counted all of our blessings, mellowed out, and were fed, we opened presents and made some cute home movies. His favorite gifts were the bubble wrap I brought home from work, and a soft, tiny, Juniper-like plant I found at the grocery store (if only he could stay this easy to shop for...). He had fun with a soft foam ball from Nana, which the dogs promptly devoured; and loves the favorite books passed on from cousin Andi. Sadly, we missed the Moore family Christmas party because I was just too sick, but we did make a quick visit to Christmas Village, in about 20 degree weather, wrapped snuggly in his little teddy bear suit (the one I purchased almost two years before he was born!). He had a little too much to drink, and passed out with mom. All in all, I think it was a good experience for him, and we just may try it again next year.